“Litmus is a chaos engineering tool for Kubernetes. Litmus provides easy-to-use, ready made pipeline jobs that can be used to build a pipeline to help harden...
Using Litmus to Build CI Pipelines for Cassandra when Using OpenEBS

Giridhara Prasad
Lead Engineer at Mayadata Inc. Giridhar Prasad is...
Giridhara Prasad
May 22
4 min read
Giridhara Prasad
Lead Engineer at Mayadata Inc. Giridhar Prasad is...
The second chapter of Container Attached Storage — What’s next?
MDAP — Journey of data agility on Kubernetes from MayaData

Uma Mukkara
Uma Mukkara is the co-founder and COO at...
KUBEMOVE: Avoiding the Tragedy of the Commons
Extending Kubernetes to Cross-Cluster Data Mobility

Evan Powell
Evan Powell has been founding CEO of four...
High Availability For Jira Using OpenEBS
Up time, high availability, disaster recovery. Anyone that has been working in development or IT operations roles knows these terms. Maintaining these things...

Patrick Hoolboom
As Sr. Developer Advocate at MayaData, Patrick...
Patrick Hoolboom
Apr 22
2 min read
Patrick Hoolboom
As Sr. Developer Advocate at MayaData, Patrick...