OpenEBS doesn’t support RWM out of the box, but it can be used with an NFS provisioner to satisfy RWM requirements. NFS provisioner is similar to an...
How to run NFS on top of OpenEBS Jiva

Utkarsh Mani Tripathi
Utkarsh is a maintainer of jiva project and has...
Utkarsh Mani Tripathi
Dec 10
4 min read
Utkarsh Mani Tripathi
Utkarsh is a maintainer of jiva project and has...
Tips for managing OpenEBS Jiva Volumes
OpenEBS Jiva Volumes are a great way to provide highly available persistent volumes to Kubernetes stateful workloads by making use of the local storage...

Utkarsh Mani Tripathi
Utkarsh is a maintainer of jiva project and has...
Utkarsh Mani Tripathi
Dec 03
5 min read
Utkarsh Mani Tripathi
Utkarsh is a maintainer of jiva project and has...
Single-Click OpenEBS Upgrade
This blog post provides a glimpse of the OpenEBS Director, and one of the most anticipated features, OpenEBS Upgrade.

Sagar Kumar
Sagar is a software engineer at Mayadata who...
LitmusChaos 0.8: Community Builds the ChaosHub
75 closed PRs from 20+ new contributors, more than 100 new stargazers, and some incredible new adopters. This is just part of the story for the LitmusChaos 0.8...

Karthik Satchitanand
Karthik has been into Design and Development of...
Karthik Satchitanand
Nov 22
7 min read
Karthik Satchitanand
Karthik has been into Design and Development of...
Turning Kubernetes into a data plane
Some updates and observations from three years of growth

Evan Powell
Evan Powell has been founding CEO of four...
Get ready to RUMBLE with MayaData and OpenEBS at Kubecon San Diego’19
KubeCon San Diego is less than a week away, and at MayaData, we are as excited and thrilled as we can be.

Saumya Sharma
Saumya is a Digital Marketing Specialist at...