For a while now, we have been saying that OpenEBS Mayastor is “high” performance and community members have writtenblogsshowing that the performance of...
Jeffry Molanus
Jeffry prior to being CTO at MayaData has worked at several other startups in the storage industry. He worked on several scale-out object storage products as well as traditional NAS and SAN storage solutions where he held technical leadership roles. At MayaData, his primary focus is to make sure the product is flexible and scalable. At the same time, robust enough to be integrated seamlessly into modern-day infrastructure where he believes, containers will have a dominant role. Jeffry holds a master's degree in electrical engineering with a focus on distributed control engineering from the University of Twente in the Netherlands. When he is not working with code, he practices martial arts.
mayastor; Crossing the Chasm to nvmf, Infinity and Beyond
As you may know from some of my talks, we feel strongly that applications have changed, yet someone forgot to tell storage. Since the inception of the OpenEBS...
Jeffry Molanus
Jeffry prior to being CTO at MayaData has worked...
Jeffry Molanus
Jul 17
19 min read
Jeffry Molanus
Jeffry prior to being CTO at MayaData has worked...
Berlin K8s meetup retrospect
Last week, I was invited to give a talk about OpenEBS during the Kubernetes meetup in Berlin. The event was hosted by the friendly folks at Profitbricks, who...
Jeffry Molanus
Jeffry prior to being CTO at MayaData has worked...