Backward compatibility in Kubernetes operators can be an afterthought

I'm an engineer at MayaData, a company dedicated to enabling data agility through the use of Kubernetes as a data layer and the sponsor of the CNCF project...

Shovan Maity

Shovan Maity

Shovan works as a Software Engineer at MayaData,...
4 min read

Kubernetes storage performance myths

Intro:  You’ve been had!

If you want to skip ahead - to the stuff about how the future is here now - please do.  Skip down for my introduction of Mayastor.  

Evan Powell

Evan Powell

Evan Powell has been founding CEO of four...
8 min read

Use OpenEBS Underneath your Apache Kafka Brokers

I'm a Developer Advocate at MayaData, a company dedicated to enabling data agility through the use of Kubernetes as a data layer and the sponsor of the CNCF...

Brian Matheson

Brian Matheson

Brian Matheson has spent twenty years doing...
5 min read

Getting going with OpenEBS installation-whatever flavor-via few clicks

Intro: OpenEBS Installation

OEP, the free-forever OpenEBS Platform (yes, a rename may be in the works…), simplifies the deployment of OpenEBS.

Evan Powell

Evan Powell

Evan Powell has been founding CEO of four...
4 min read

Single-Click OpenEBS Installation

This blog will give you a glimpse of one of the most awaited features in OpenEBS Director “OpenEBS Installation”.

Sagar Kumar

Sagar Kumar

Sagar is a software engineer at Mayadata who...
7 min read

A Brief Introduction to Kubernetes and Chaos Testing

What a big topic! My goal here is just to introduce Kubernetes concepts specifically to support testing activity. In particular, the testing activity we’re...

Brian Matheson

Brian Matheson

Brian Matheson has spent twenty years doing...
9 min read

APIs, Competition & Kubernetes

In the early 2000s, the internet was dominated by a central marketplace for all manner of things.

Evan Powell

Evan Powell

Evan Powell has been founding CEO of four...
3 min read

Kubernetes and Cloud Native Data Management in 2020

#K8s in 2020: the Storage Admin is dead, Long live the Kubernetes SRE

Kiran Mova

Kiran Mova

Kiran evangelizes open culture and open-source...
10 min read

MayaData and OpenEBS attract investment and partnership

MayaData vision of Kubernetes as a data plane takes off

Evan Powell

Evan Powell

Evan Powell has been founding CEO of four...
4 min read

Setup Continuous Integration for Helm chart

Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that allows developers and operators to easily package, configure, and deploy applications and services onto...

Intakhab Ali

Intakhab Ali

Software Engineer at MayaData
5 min read
At MayaData we drive data agility. As a team, we bring hundreds of years of experience building enterprise-class systems for automation, management, security and especially data storage.