MayaData vision of Kubernetes as a data plane takes off
Evan Powell

Evan Powell has been founding CEO of four successful enterprise infrastructure software companies, Clarus Systems (RVBD), Nexenta Systems, StackStorm (BRCD), and now MayaData. As founding CEO of StackStorm, Evan helped to create the event-driven automation category. He helped to build a vibrant open source community leveraging and improving upon approaches used by the largest operators such as Facebook. As founding CEO of Nexenta Systems, he helped to re-imagine the storage industry as one in which the value of software and freedom from vendor lock-in would predominate. Under his leadership, Nexenta became the leader of the OpenStorage movement and the software-defined storage sector, with thousands of customers and hundreds of millions of dollars of annual partner sales. To relax away from work, Evan runs Spartan races and tries to keep up with his family’s adventures.
MayaData and OpenEBS attract investment and partnership

Evan Powell
Evan Powell has been founding CEO of four...
Turning Kubernetes into a data plane
Some updates and observations from three years of growth

Evan Powell
Evan Powell has been founding CEO of four...
Lessons from KubeCon EU: Storage for K8s is an opportunity
Storage for Kubernetes — Not a Problem, but an Opportunity

Evan Powell
Evan Powell has been founding CEO of four...
KUBEMOVE: Avoiding the Tragedy of the Commons
Extending Kubernetes to Cross-Cluster Data Mobility

Evan Powell
Evan Powell has been founding CEO of four...
HA vs. DR and “Extra” HA for Your DB
Steps to prevent cascading failures.

Evan Powell
Evan Powell has been founding CEO of four...
Run your DBaaS - DBs, Kubernetes operators and containerized storage
Why would you want to do that?

Evan Powell
Evan Powell has been founding CEO of four...
Performance Tuning, CAS, and OpenEBS
Now and again — actually almost every day — we get a question from the community or from our commercial users about performance.

Evan Powell
Evan Powell has been founding CEO of four...