Understanding Persistent Volumes and PVCs in Kubernetes & OpenEBS

Overview: What is a Volume in Kubernetes? 

In Kubernetes, volume abstractions are used to provide an API that abstracts the physical implementation of storage...

Murat Karslioglu

Murat Karslioglu

VP @OpenEBS & @MayaData_Inc. Murat Karslioglu is...
7 min read

Tips for managing OpenEBS Jiva Volumes

OpenEBS Jiva Volumes are a great way to provide highly available persistent volumes to Kubernetes stateful workloads by making use of the local storage...

Utkarsh Mani Tripathi

Utkarsh Mani Tripathi

Utkarsh is a maintainer of jiva project and has...
5 min read

OpenEBS community releases v1.1 maintaining a faster release cadence.

In this post, I will provide a quick summary of the changes that were released as part of OpenEBS version 1.1 and share some thoughts on the evolving project...

Kiran Mova

Kiran Mova

Kiran evangelizes open culture and open-source...
7 min read

Introduction to OpenEBS cStor Pools and Considerations in K8s Upgrades

My Kubernetes was just upgraded what happened to my data?What if I’m using ephemeral disks and thin provisioning to save money?

Uma Mukkara

Uma Mukkara

Uma Mukkara is the co-founder and COO at...
6 min read

Kubernetes storage extensions to Weave Scope

In Austin KubeCon 2017 I first got a deep look at Weave Scope and could help but fall in love with it. The visualization Scope provides into the Kubernetes...

Uma Mukkara

Uma Mukkara

Uma Mukkara is the co-founder and COO at...
4 min read
At MayaData we drive data agility. As a team, we bring hundreds of years of experience building enterprise-class systems for automation, management, security and especially data storage. www.mayadata.io