Deploy WordPress on AWS Using OpenEBS

A Content Management System (CMS) simplifies the creation, management and modification of websites using a straightforward, easy to use GUI. A CMS typically...

Ranjith Raveendran

Ranjith Raveendran

Ranjith is a Software Engineer in MayaData and...
8 min read

APIs, Competition & Kubernetes

In the early 2000s, the internet was dominated by a central marketplace for all manner of things.

Evan Powell

Evan Powell

Evan Powell has been founding CEO of four...
3 min read

Using OpenEBS for K8s stateful application on AWS instance store disks

In this post, I will cover the topic of “How to set up persistent storage” using AWS instance store disks for applications running on Kubernetes clusters.

Ranjith Raveendran

Ranjith Raveendran

Ranjith is a Software Engineer in MayaData and...
15 min read

Berlin K8s meetup retrospect

Last week, I was invited to give a talk about OpenEBS during the Kubernetes meetup in Berlin. The event was hosted by the friendly folks at Profitbricks, who...

Jeffry Molanus

Jeffry Molanus

Jeffry prior to being CTO at MayaData has worked...
3 min read
At MayaData we drive data agility. As a team, we bring hundreds of years of experience building enterprise-class systems for automation, management, security and especially data storage.